\_ -> what . why . paulEnnemoser
Go wild. Be spontaneous. Let yourself free. And do it with a crazy smile on your face. ^_^
Make every word count. Speak straight from your heart.
- > Software Architect & KI-mo Founder
- > from Austria
- > age 33
- > that loves to learn new things from all parts of life
- > from sharing inner peace with the help of Ch'i Kung, Yoga, Calisthenics and KörperIntelligenz
- > to exploring the laws of nature and nature itself
- > and figuring out why human beings are the way they are.
- > e-mail:paul.ennemoserATgmailDOTcom
- > KI-mo:ki-mo.wien
- > blog:tickblog.wordpress.com
- > facebook:paul.ennemoser
- > twitter:@tivtag
- > github:tivtag
- > MAL:tivtiv
Software Architecture & Process Development:
- arc42 Architecture Documentation
- Domain Driven Design
- S.O.L.I.D. + other principles and design patterns
- Test Driven Development
- Domain Specific Languages
- Kanban
- Code Reviews
C | ++ |
C++ | +++ |
C# | +++ |
Haskell | ++ |
Erlang/OTP | + |
F# | + |
Ruby | ++ |
Python & Boo | + |
Lua | + |
Coffee/JavaScript | ++ |
Other Languages:
CSS | ++ |
GLSL, HLSL | + |
HTML | ++ |
SQL | ++ |
XAML | ++ |
Frameworks + Libraries:
- .NET Framework, WPF, Xamarin, ASP.NET Core
- Unity3D, XNA, MonoGame, OpenGL (ES 2.0), Simple Fast Media Library
- (Fluent-)NHibernate, Caliburn Micro, AutoFac, jQuery
- FMOD EX, Farseer Physics, Boost and more
- VIM, Visual Studio, Team Foundation Server
- Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects
- Embedded Device Development (Arduino, Android, WinCE, Sierra Wireless, RFID readers, printers) and basic electrical engineering
- Domain knowledge about VDV-KA (Verbands Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen - Kern Applikation)
- Maths! Lambda Calculus, Linear Algebra, Graph Theory, Set Theory, Category Theory, A.I.
- AngelScript, TeX, Regex, PC building and more
At KI-mo we learn to integrate body-mind-soul for inner peace, inner strength and health.
- From old traditions: Qi Gong, Tai Chi and Yoga.
- We cultivate: body, mind, energy field and soul.
- Find inner strength in action with: KörperIntelligenz®.
- Reconnect to our inner peace and joy by: Embodiment, Mindfulness, Meditation and Advaita Vedanta.
- We open our hearts by: Connecting to each other & nature, dancing, talking and being creative and spontaneous.

The Legend of Zelda - Black Crown
A free fan-game that combines gameplay elements from Zelda and Diablo.
Hack -> slash -> loot -> ... -> profit~!
Hack -> slash -> loot -> ... -> profit~!
Microsoft .NET 5.0 Desktop Runtime must be installed.
Download the latest patch after installing the game by using the Zelda Updater.

Edit shader (.fx) files written using HLSL and immediately see the changes within Fract.
It is primarily meant to create and explore Fractals. See “Readme Please.txt” file for further information.
It is primarily meant to create and explore Fractals. See “Readme Please.txt” file for further information.

John Conway’s Game of Life
Silverlight implementation of the "Game of Life" cellular automata.

Cellular Automata
Silverlight implementation of a cellular automata.

Tiwa - TIme WArner
Helps you remember to take your hourly computer screen break.

Super Shapes
Create fascinating completely mathematical shapes using the ingenious Super Formula.
Please read the "How To Install.txt".
Download (Win only)
Please read the "How To Install.txt".

Experiment to load and render Ragnarok Online resources files.
Experiment in creating a gravity-based space game.
the Hyper Cube | imagine the 4th dimension
This video is about a cube that lives in 4 dimensional space. Sadly he can't interact with us and our world like he would like to.
And as such he decided to dance for us, so we can imagine his true nature. Can you?
(Multiple different projections are used to convert the 4D geometry into 3D and then finally 2D.)
(Multiple different projections are used to convert the 4D geometry into 3D and then finally 2D.)
Favourite Hobbies:
- > Qi Gong & Yoga & Meditation 禅
- > Reading & Writing & Learning 📚
- > Dancing 💃 (Salsa!)
- > Running & Swimming
- > Strength Training
Favourite Books:
- > Aldous Huxley:Brave New World
- > Arthur C. Clarke:The Songs of Distant Earth
- > D. Hofstadter:Gödel, Escher, Bach
- > George Orwell:1984, Animal Farm
- > George R.R.M.:A Song of Ice and Fire
- > Harlan Ellison:I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
- > H.P. Lovecraft:The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, and many more
- > J.R.R. Tolkien:The Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales, Tales from the Perilous Realm, Roverandom
- > Poul Anderson:Tau Zero
- > Uberto Eco:Der Name der Rose
- > William Gibson:Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive, Burning Chrome
Favourite Music: ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
- > Alternative, Experimental
- > Ambient
- > Guitar (main instrument)
Favourite Movies:
- > Brazil
- > Electric Dragon 80.000 V (エレクトリック·ドラゴン 80.000 V)
- > Soylent Green
- > 12 Angry Men
- > Twelve Monkeys
- > Escape from New York
- > Stanley Kubrick classics: The Shining, Full Metal Jacket, A Clockwork Orange, ...
Favourite Anime & Comics: (’_’、)
- > Donald Duck (Carl Barks, Don Rosa)
- > Haibane Renmei
- > NHK ni Youkoso!
- > Noir
- > Serial Experiments Lain
- > Shinsekai yori
- > South Park
- > Texhnolyze